Guess what?! Did you guess it?
We’re having another baby!
Answering a Few Questions
When are you due? I’m due March 9th but since every other baby has come after my due date, I’m expecting the same this time around.
How are you feeling? I’m 13 weeks now but I have been feeling nauseous and tired since before I even knew I was pregnant. I am hoping as I enter into the 2nd trimester I will start feeling better. In the meantime, I’ve been taking naps and going to bed early as often as I can. I haven’t found anything to really help me be less nauseous. Sometimes a peppermint seems to help or drinking something carbonated, but it’s basically an all day thing.
Are you going to have another home birth? Well, you might remember that my last birth ended up being a home birth transfer to the hospital. I still prefer a home birth however in an effort to save money, this time we are planning a hospital birth with the option to switch back to a home birth if I feel like my desires for a natural birth are not being supported. It’s crazy to me that due to insurance a hospital birth will actually save us thousands of dollars, but here we are.
8 kids – how do you afford that?! We look for ways to cut costs and save money whenever we can. Sometimes that means not getting the things we want (like a hospital birth instead of a home birth), store brands instead of name brands, yardsale finds instead of brand new items, etc.
Why would you want so many kids? When someone asks me this I always think the opposite, how could you NOT want 8 kids (or more kids)?! My kids are such a joy! I love motherhood and I’m so very thankful for these children we have!
Do you know if you’re having a boy or a girl? Actually, we DO know already thanks to the wonder of 1st trimester blood tests. I’ll be sharing that news soon. Stay tuned!