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The Coolest, Most Unique Splurge Gifts for Her

Looking to go all out on her this year? Here’s a list of my favorite splurge gifts for her!

What’s the criteria for a “splurge gift”? Well, I actually asked on my Facebook page a few weeks ago to see at what price point other women considered something a splurge. The respose was varied but 44% said anything over $50 followed by another 25% who said anything over $100. Because of those results, I decided right around $50-$100 and up was a reasonable price point to consider a splurge.

Of course, you might be able to find some of these items on sale for less.

woman in front of a Christmas tree holding a gift with a text overlay that says "The Best Splurge Gifts for Her"

What about me? What do I consider a splurge gift? Well, to be honest, it depends on what the item is. $200 for a vacuum doesn’t seem TO high these days but $200 for a pair of shoes is definitely a splurge for me. I’ve got 7 kids, and a husband, and I’d much rather spend money on them. Not to mention we have a mortgage and bills like any other family and inflation is no joke right now!

Sometimes if there is a splurge gift I’d like though, I let a few people know. For example, you’ll see Tieks on my list below. They are good, quality shoes and, in my opinion, worth the splurge. So, instead of getting multiple lower-priced gifts on my birthday, I will ask anyone who asks me (my mom, mother-in-law, husband, ect.) for gift cards to Tieks.

The items I’ve decided to include on this list are either ones I’ve tried and loved and think they are worthy splurge gifts for women OR some of the splurge gifts I’m eyeing myself….my husband keeps asking what I want.

Without further ado, here’s a list of my favorite splurge gifts for her!

Best Splurge Gifts for Her

Want to get her something extra special this year? Here's a list of great gift ideas!

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Stephanie A

Monday 18th of December 2023

That Rollink luggage looks cool! I like how it's space saving.


Tuesday 12th of December 2023

I like the Deep Farmhouse Skillet from Smithey and velociTEA Tea Maker from Adagio Teas.

Maria Egan

Sunday 10th of December 2023

These are good gifts to splurge on and get something extra special. For myself, I would love the tea maker from Adagio.