Preventing Childhood Food Allergies [With Ready, Set, Food!] is a sponsored post. As always, all opinions are my own.
Food allergies is a hard, scary topic for many. When you change it to food allergies in babies and young children, it becomes even scarier. Thankfully, my immediate family doesn’t suffer from any major food allergies; aside from some dairy intolerance on my part. However, it’s still important to take food allergies seriously since over 50% of children who suffer from food allergies have no family history. In addition, I’ve known others who have severe allergies to specific foods and let me tell you; it’s no joke! Having to be aware of major triggers and always worrying about what your child is ingesting is completely exhausting!
But today, I’m excited to announce the launch of, a new resource working to help protect families from food allergies. They’ve partnered with top allergy experts like Dr. Jonathan Spergel, Chief of Allergy at Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP), and Ready, Set, Food!, to make sure parents have tools to help prevent food allergies.
What Are Food Allergies?
Before we really get started with chatting about preventing childhood food allergies, let’s define the topic first. A Food Allergy is an immune system reaction that occurs soon after eating a specific food. Sometimes, even the tiniest amount of the allergy-causing food may trigger signs and symptoms such as digestive problems, hives, swollen airways, and other complications. An extremely severe reaction may even cause death.
Did You Know?
So What Can A Parent Do To Help Prevent Childhood Food Allergies?
Some clinical studies are now pointing to the importance of starting allergenic foods at an early age; around 4-6 months. So a group of physicians, scientists, and parents who are passionate about ending the food allergy epidemic have come up with a solution.
Motivated by their own personal experiences, the Ready, Set, Food! team has set out to make a difference! They wanted an easier and safer way for parents to introduce allergenic food. The science is clear: early and sustained exposure to allergenic foods is needed. Studies have shown the timing and amount of food allergens is important. So this team has worked hard to develop an easy-to-use system. The Ready, Set, Food! supplement allows busy families to introduce these foods to their babies easily; allowing for the best chance to avoid developing food allergies.
If you’re starting to think you may have heard about Ready, Set, Food! before; you’re probably right. They were actually featured on Shark Tank! Check out the video below:
Preventing Childhood Food Allergies [With Ready, Set, Food!]
Whether you’re a rookie parent or a novice, there’s always new information coming out to learn. So we’ve teamed up with Ready, Set, Food! to help educate about preventing childhood food allergies.
FAQ Session With Ready, Set, Food!
Any time there’s a new product on the market, there’s going to be questions. Today, we’re going to help answer them!
What Is The Ready, Set, Food! System?
Ready, Set, Food! is a daily supplement that gently introduces a baby to peanut, egg, and milk. These are the three most common childhood food allergens. Since studies have shown this approach helps reduce the risk of developing allergies by up to 80%, they have created a system that makes exposure easy. Simply add a packet of Ready, Set, Food! to your baby’s breast milk, formula, or food starting between 4-11 months of age.
The packets come conveniently packaged for single time use! Then, continue for 6 months or until your baby is eating these types of foods regularly in their diet.
What If My Baby Has Shown An Intolerance To One Of These Foods Already?
Many nursing mamas will testify that their baby has shown an intolerance to specific foods. For some, it may be spicy Mexican options. Others, it’s when mom consumes a lot of dairy. So to answer this question, in short, YES; it’s safe. Ready, Set, Food! uses a very small amount of each food protein in these supplement packets. So even if your baby has an intolerance to any of the 3 foods (such as cow’s milk), this system is still gentle enough to use.
Now, if your baby has a confirmed food allergy to peanut, egg, or cow’s milk, Ready, Set, Food! is not recommended. This system is not intended to treat existing food allergies. Once an allergy develops, there is no cure. As always, be sure to check with your doctor or pediatrician.
Is Ready, Set, Food! Safe To Use?
Absolutely! As mentioned above, the Ready, Set, Food! system introduces a very small amount of the allergen. They have followed a similar process as was used in three landmark clinical trials where over 2,000 babies participated and no severe reactions occurred. It has been found that allergic reactions in babies tend to be less severe than in children or adults. So the longer your wait, the worse a potential allergic reaction can be.
If you have any more questions, be sure to visit this frequently asked questions link over at Ready, Set, Food!
Are You Ready To Get Started?
Ready, Set, Food!’s patent-pending bottle introduction method allows families to start at the earliest recommended age, as it is now proven that starting as early as 4 months is the safest time to introduce allergenic foods. Of course, it’s never too late to begin so even if your baby is a little bit older, head on over and check this system out!
So tell me, do you have any experience with food allergies? If you know someone who is pregnant or has an infant, be sure to send them this information on preventing childhood food allergies!
monique s
Monday 3rd of August 2020
This looks like it would be super useful with my new baby niece
Melanie Hathcock
Tuesday 28th of July 2020
This is a really neat concept to prevent allergies! It’s incredibly stressful introducing new foods to our littles and wondering if there’s a severe allergy.
Peggy Nunn
Tuesday 28th of July 2020
I wish I had this when my children were little. They were sensitive to some food I fed them.
Dandi D
Tuesday 28th of July 2020
This sounds like a really neat product! My son had a peanut sensitivity when he was little, but thankfully he outgrew it!
Dana Rodriguez
Monday 20th of July 2020
This sounds awesome. Food allergies are such a big problem with kids