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Your Number One Resource for Everything Pregnancy

First, if you’re reading this post because you are currently pregnant, let me say a HUGE congratulations! Pregnancy has always been one of the most exciting times of my life, whether it was my first or my 7th time being pregnant, I just love it!

There is so much anticipation and so many dreams for you, your baby, and your family during this time.


Sure, like anyone else I suffer from plenty of pregnancy complaints – morning sickness, sciatic nerve pain, heartburn, exhaustion – the list of complaints could go on and on. But, in the end, it’s always worth it!

Over the years, I have talked a lot of pregnancy, birth and babies on my site. I’m basically a pregnancy and baby expert at this point.

It’s truly one of my favorite topics to talk about! Since I’m currently pregnant, you’re sure to find a lot of new posts about pregnancy on my site in the upcoming weeks and months!

I thought it might be helpful to organize all of my pregnancy-related posts together in an easy-to-find location for you, so here you go! I hope these posts will help you as you experience the joys and anticipation of a new baby!

General Pregnancy Posts


Baby Registries & Baby Gifts


Home Birth

Pregnancy Complaints

A baby will make love stronger, days shorter, nights longer, bankroll smaller, home happier, clothes shabbier, the past forgotten and the future worth living for.


Wednesday 20th of July 2022

That's great blog and I too like supporting pregnancy with useful tips.


Wednesday 27th of October 2021

You are very blessed. I can't have children. I can get pregnamt but can't carry a child to term. I have had six miscarriages. We have adopted twins (boy and girl) who are now three years old. We are in the process of adopting a six month old girl at the moment

Daniel Family

Friday 31st of December 2021

@Fiona, By adopting those children you are giving those new children a chance at life and showing them Gods path for humans instead of the world getting ahold of them young and staining their hearts. Thank you for saving those children from this crazy world by bringing them into a house that praises the LORD, you are all blessed. Your pain will not last forever. By enduring your pain you saved those kids. I hope your life with them fulfills you. I know it will fulfill them.

Dana Rodriguez

Wednesday 15th of September 2021

This is a great list. Congrats to both of you ladies.

Peggy Nunn

Wednesday 15th of September 2021

You and Miranda are so pretty pregnant. It really agrees with the both of you.


Monday 1st of March 2021

Thanks for this list articles, so much great information for expecting moms.