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Milky! Breastfeeding Supplement

I still remember sitting in my living room watching the pilot for the show, Sister, Sister with Tia Mowry-Hardict and her twin sister Tamera Mowry-Housley. Well, I’m all grown up now and so are they. They are both married and have children of their own and recently started their own line of products for moms with their brand, NEED. I was sent their first product, Milky to try out (free of charge, in exchange for my honest opinions).

Milky! Breastfeeding Supplement review
MILKY!™ was originally featured on Style Network’s hit series, “Tia & Tamera.”  During the episode “Twinventors,” expectant mother Tamera became concerned that she would have difficulty producing enough breast milk for her son, a common but seldom-discussed problem, which Tia also experienced.  Tamera sought the advice of her pregnancy wellness expert, who recommended drinking fenugreek herbal tea.  Neither sister liked the taste of the tea and desired a more convenient way to consume it. After much experimenting, they came up with their own great tasting recipe and set out to develop a healthy and all-natural product to assist all breastfeeding women including those coping with milk production issues.  They partnered with a leading food scientist to refine their own unique formula into a quick and great tasting alternative: MILKY!™.

When consumed twice daily, MILKY!™ increases both the quality and quantity of breast milk a mother produces.  Moms can say goodbye to brewing and consuming a cup of harsh-tasting fenugreek tea three times a day and can now enjoy the same benefits with a delicious strawberry flavor and on-the-go convenience of MILKY!™

Tia and Tamera share, “We are passionate about helping mothers who, like us, have wanted products that would make pregnancy easier and would help with our newborn babies — but what we needed wasn’t available.  We set out to create a new line of products for today’s generation of modern women.  Need™ provides healthy, innovative, and necessity-driven solutions for new and expectant moms and their children.”

When my first daughter Maggie was born, like Tia and Tamara, I was also concerned about how much milk she was (or wasn’t) receiving. I mean, it’s not like with a bottle where you can see how many ounces your tiny baby has drank when you’re breastfeeding. I remember at times thinking I would like to try some herbal supplements to increase my milk supply, but I never did. It wasn’t like they were available at the local grocery store or easy for me to ingest, so I just never bothered. I look back and wish I had.

When my son came along, I had an oversupply of milk and dealt with severe engorgement. I pumped for months after his birth (along with full-time nursing him) because my supply was so abundant. I was so uncomfortable if I did not pump. I was thankful for my Lansinoh SignaturePro breast pump during that time. It was nice to know that my boy had more than enough to eat! That was such a satisfying feeling and also meant I did not stress over his intake.

Now that I know how nice it feels NOT to worry about supply, I know that in the future, with other babies, if I have any doubt about the amount of milk I’m producing, I will turn to Milky to make sure I have plenty of milk for my babies.

Milky! Breastfeeding Supplement review

As mentioned, I was sent a package of Milky! to try out. Milky! has a great strawberry taste and contains fennel (reduces inflamation), chamomile (helps with relaxation), fenugreek (increases milk supply), rooibus (delivers vital anti-oxidants), and ginger (relieves upset stomach). As you can see, not only does Milky! help with milk supply, it helps with many other issues your baby may have.  Because Milky! comes in individually-sealed bottles, it is easy to take with you wherever you go.

**Update – 6/30/14** I just gave birth to my 3rd child yesterday and started drinking Milky today! It tastes AMAZING! I also feel like my milk is already starting to come in. With my other two babies, my milk did not come in as quickly, and I believe that drinking Milky! has really made the difference. I wish it was priced a little cheaper, but overall I love the product!

In addition to MILKY!™, Need™ plans to launch many other pregnancy to preschool products for expectant and new moms, babies and toddlers, including skin care, personal care, supplements, snacks, apparel and accessories.

I have heard that Milky! is VERY hard to find right now. If you’re looking for it, try Motherhood.

Consult your healthcare provider about the use of herbs when nursing a baby.  NOT FOR USE DURING PREGNANCY.

Leah Thomas

Saturday 10th of July 2021

I’ve been trying to find this product , I just had my son on June 25th of this year and wanna increase my milk supply . How do I get ahold of this product


Sunday 11th of July 2021

Hi Leah,

From what I can see, it looks like it may have been discontinued. :(

Lashanda Reed

Tuesday 27th of November 2018

I’ve been trying to find this product it’s not at motherhood are either at Amazon I wish I knew where it was at I Need to order some can someone tell me where it’s located at ?


Wednesday 19th of December 2018

I think they stopped making it. I was so disappointed.


Thursday 20th of September 2018

Hi my name is Ashley and I have a 2 month old son I am trying to breast feed but I am only make a little bit of milk a1 oz out each boob and my son drinks 6 oz I have to give him formula what can I do to help me make more milk..??


Monday 24th of September 2018

Hi Ashley, I'm sorry, I know that can be tough! Are you pumping or breastfeeding every 2-3 hours? Remember that your son can always get out more than a pump will so even if you are only pumping that amount, you likely have more than that inside of you. Besides pumping (or offering your baby the breast) more frequently (like every 90 minutes offer him the breast, at least) also make sure that you are drinking plenty of fluids and eating plenty of calories.

Devin Holt

Wednesday 4th of May 2016

Where can I find the product Milky


Sunday 1st of May 2016

Look on Amazon