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31 Best Halloween Memes of 2023 that are Hilarious!

It’s that time of year again! Halloween is coming and it’s time to roll out the hilarious Halloween memes! These funny Halloween Memes are perfect for sharing on your social media platforms and will help you get into the Halloween spirit! Any true Halloween enthusiast needs to have these hilarious memes saved to share throughout the Halloween season.

Halloween seems to become more and more popular every year not just with kids, but with adults as well. Christmas decorations roll out earlier and earlier every year, but I’ve noticed the same trend with Halloween decorations both in stores and in people’s houses.

Several houses in our neighborhood began the Halloween decoration festivities at the beginning of October this year whereas last year they began more towards the middle of October. One neighbor’s house in particular has more Halloween decorations in their front yard than they ever have for Christmas. If the trend continues, they’ll begin decorating in September next year for this spooky season!

Our children love the Halloween season more than any other holiday except for, of course, Christmas. I mean, they get to dress up like anything they want to be and go out and harvest candy to their heart’s content. As a holiday, what isn’t to love about it for the kiddos? Candy collected on October 31st is the best kind of candy, right?! It’s made each of them a Halloween fanatic!

Truth be told, I like Halloween as well. It’s fun to watch the kids in their costumes getting so excited over the treats they stockpile as they navigate a neighborhood full of awesome decorations. Plus, there are Snickers in it for me afterward! Thankfully, Orin doesn’t like them and my kids don’t really love them either. More for me!

While my kids love harvesting candy during Halloween, I love harvesting funny Halloween memes and Halloween usually comes along with some good ones. While Halloween is still a few weeks away, the memes start rolling in at the beginning of October. This year I’m going to help you get a head start on them!

The Best, Funny Halloween Memes

So, without further adieu, here’s a collection of some funny and silly memes, the best Halloween memes you can find! Grab your mug of pumpkin spice whatever and enjoy! I hope they give you a good laugh!

Brace yourselves — the Halloween memes are coming!

If you don’t get this one, it is referencing all the moth/lamp memes that have been running rampant on the interwebs.

This was me this year, ha ha! When is the earliest you’ve shared happy Halloween memes?

This is me – I LOVE Reese’s peanut butter cups! You can never have too much Halloween candy if it’s chocolate and peanut butter!

I love the Office so much! This Halloween episode is one of my favorites! I wish I could attend a Halloween party at The Office.

Looking for a funny yet cheap Halloween costume idea? Here ya go!

Oh gosh, this is totally me! It’s a great way to pack on a little winter weight before the cold weather arrives, ha ha.

Oh yeah, we did this last year. The kids made their own costumes and they really turned out well. So many cute ideas they had and I saved a ton of money!

How many pumpkin spice lattes do you drink every year?

Can you relate?

Ha! My mom did this and kids always hated it!

Trick-or-treating in our development always results in a ton of candy! We have a lot of generous neighbors!

Ugh, YES! Thank goodness it’s not a presidential election year. Those are the worst!

Ha ha! I have purchased clothes at the thrift store for this very thing before!

Yep, pretty much. 

Sounds about right. I can’t resist that Halloween candy! I even like candy corn. Do you?

Yes! Sugar, sugar, and more sugar please. 

What would your search history show?

Yes, this is so true.

My dog only seems to be bothered by our Roomba. She’s not a fan of that one!

Gosh, who decided this was a good idea?

The forecast calls for spooky weather!

This is such a good idea – I have so many Amazon boxes!

Are you excited for Halloween? Me – kinda!

Me walking out of the store when they start stocking Halloween decorations.

Me in July walking into every craft store looking for Halloween stuff.

Me trying to figure out where to fit more Halloween decorations.

Get ready. The entire month of September is Halloween Eve.

funny Halloween meme

I can’t wait for summer to end so the Halloween festivities can begin!

I spend so much money on Halloween every year – yikes!

There you have it! My favorite Halloween Memes! I hope they are helping you to get into the holiday spirit. I’m sure I’ll be adding more as the season goes on. Check back for updates! 

Related Posts

If you like funny memes as much as I do, you should check out our collections of sex memes, funny birthday memes, good morning memes, and flirty memes you can send to your spouse! Keep your eyes open for more good meme posts in the future!

You should also check out this post about kids Halloween party food ideas.

What’s your favorite part about Halloween? Let us know in the comments below!

Mia E.

Saturday 1st of October 2022

Such cute and funny memes that will be fun to share with friends.

Mia E.

Saturday 1st of October 2022

I am definitely in the mood for Halloween festivities this year. Love the Amazon prime meme.


Wednesday 21st of September 2022

I love memes.

gloria patterson

Monday 8th of November 2021

These are so funny to bad I didn't read these before Halloween. Going to share a few of these with friends.

Lauryn R

Saturday 9th of October 2021

I love a good meme too! These are so funny, thank you so much for sharing! These things always make me smile.