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Celebrate Little Debbie Christmas Tree Cakes with These Recipes & Gifts!

Do you or someone you love go crazy for Little Debbie Christmas Tree Cakes every year? I’m gonna be honest with you. I don’t really like them. (I know, gasp, right?) I just don’t think they are THAT good. But, my husband, on the other hand, he loves them!

I’ve noticed over the past few years that people have really started to go nuts for these cakes! My sister for example buys up boxes and boxes of them when they first hit the shelves (before they sell out). She also makes recipes using Little Debbie Christmas Tree cakes.

Then there’s my husband who actually has a t-shirt he wears at Christmastime that has Little Debbie Christmas Tree cakes on it. And I have a friend who has her own bakery and makes macaroons based on these iconic cakes.

So, if you’re a Little Debbie Christmas Tree Cake fanatic, I’ve taken some time to round up some of the best Little Debbie Christmas Tree Cake gifts and recipes for you to enjoy this holiday season!

Little Debbie Christmas Tree Cake Recipes

Little Debbie Christmas Tree Cake Gifts

These fun gift ideas are perfect for anyone who loves these Christmas Tree cakes!

Little Debbie Christmas Tree Cakes Gifts


Sunday 17th of December 2023

Thatcheesecake looks great!


Sunday 10th of December 2023

These are my husband's favorite. I didn't realize they had cute gifts available.

Maria Egan

Saturday 9th of December 2023

I have not tried any of these for ages but now I want to see what I have been missing.