He’s here! Our baby boy was born a few days ago and we are so happy to have him join our family! After much debate, we named him Matthias. This birth was very different from births in the past. Spoiler alert – he was born at the hospital and not at home like we had …
Our sweet little Ruby Joy entered our family earth side back on January 17th and we couldn’t be more delighted. I’ve shared in the past that we’d be having a repeat c-section as 4 of our 5 other kiddos were also born this way. (The one VBAC we had with baby #2 did not go …
Hey everyone, Miranda here. I’ve been writing for Janessa for quite awhile now but haven’t shared much about the births of our five children. I have had 4 c-sections and one v-bac that didn’t go well. So, today, I thought it would be helpful to share with you what I wish someone had told me …
I have had 4, yes FOUR c-sections. When I had my first c-section birth I was scared and unsure of what to expect. Today I wanted to share with you what to expect after a c-section so you can be prepared if you find yourself in this position too. What to Expect After a C-Section …
Delivery via a c-section birth is becoming more and more common these days. In fact, in the United States, one in three births are via c-section. Even if you are planning for a vaginal birth, it’s important to know what to expect with your c-section birth, should that become medically necessary for the safety of …
I’m currently 15 weeks pregnant with my 4th child. Each pregnancy seems to go faster than the last and I know that in the blink of an eye, the big day will arrive and this baby will be born. Labor and delivery has certainly gotten a bad reputation! Most of my friends won’t even consider …