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Betty Lukens Felt Sets Review

I’m so excited to talk to you today about Betty Lukens felt sets, including the Betty Lukens Deluxe Bible Set! When I was a little girl, I used to love the flannel board sets so much. Maggie is just shy of 2 years old now (I can’t believe it–time truly does fly by!) and I’m already looking for ways to make homeschooling fun for her.  Children have short attention spans so it’s important to make the learning time fun and interactive for them.

I was really excited when Betty Lukens emailed me about reviewing their felt sets. They have so many Learning Fun with Felt Boards sets to choose from, including Under the Sea, Days of the Dinosaurs, Rain Forest Adventures, Fun on the Farm, The Four Seasons, and many others! They also have Felt Activity Books such as their Basic Learning Skills and Dress Up Bears.

Another item they specialize in is Bible Sets! We plan on homeschooling Maggie and one of the subjects in her curriculum will be the Bible. If you were a Christian kid in the 90’s like I was, you probably remember the flannel board sets in Sunday School. Not only did looking at the pictures help the story come alive, but after the teacher was finished telling us the story, I used to love to play with them and “act” out the stories myself. It was a great way for me to be able to demonstrate my knowledge of a story while having fun doing so.

Betty Lukens sent Maggie and me three of their sets to try out: The Under the Sea, Days of the Dinosaurs, and their Large Deluxe Bible Set.

The Under the Sea and Days of the Dinosaurs sets cost $16.95 a piece. These sets include:

  • 13″ x 15″ Felt Play Board
  • Over 20 Pre-cut Felt Pieces
  • Plastic Storage Bag (for easy clean up!)

These educational felt board stories provide endless hours of creativity and storytelling. They are great as a travel toy or for playtime at home, preschool, and daycare. Flannel board sets are also great resources for homeschool and special education. Felt manipulative pieces develop hands-on learning and hand-eye coordination. Inspire creativity with a Learning Fun with Felt set today!

Maggie and I have had a lot of fun sitting on the floor together talking about the different sea creatures. Daddy’s subject of knowledge is dinosaurs, so they play with that set together! Maggie has really enjoyed placing the different animals on the felt board and playing “where’s the ***” with me.  Having these felt boards is like having a sticker set that never becomes un-sticky! Ever since we’ve gotten these sets, Maggie has asked to play with them on a daily basis! I’d love to own all of their felt board sets!

Large Deluxe Bible Set

The Large Deluxe Bible Set (their most popular set!)  is a must-have for homeschoolers desiring to teach the Bible to their children and/or for Sunday School teachers. Betty Lukens Through the Bible in Felt English Deluxe Large Bible Sets illustrate Old and New Testament stories. The Large Set is recommended when teaching groups of 10 or more. This set comes ready for you to cut out.

The English Large Deluxe Set includes:

  • 600 12″ figures and objects: Includes 12 figures of Jesus, plus men, women, children, animals, buildings, scenery items, tables, chairs, pyramids, tomb, ark, fiery furnace, and many, many more. All pieces come on large sheets of felt ready for you to cut and place into your file system included in this set.
  • 3 mounted backgrounds (32″ x 48″) – Water and Sky, Indoor and Purple
  • 4 bright and colorful overlays – Hillside, Shoreline, Desert and Throne Room
  • Teachers Manual with 182 stories in English
  • 2 Box filing system for storing all 600 pieces

This is their most complete collection of figures, backgrounds, and overlays. It will capture the attention of even the most active children!

This set is called “Large Deluxe” for a reason! I was shocked at how big the box was when it arrived at my door. This set truly has everything could ever possibly need to illustrate a Bible story! The 3 backgrounds are huge! (Think of the boards you used for science or social studies fairs in school.)

You’ll get the 3 large boards, plus additionally scenery to add to those boards to make a lot of new and different scenes. Look at the pictures below:

This one (above) is the water/sky scene.

This one (above) is the water/sky scene, but I’ve added on the hillside overlay. It completely changes the look of the board!

There are 3 other overlays you can add in to make a desert, shoreline and throne room!

As you can imagine, with this deluxe set there are a lot, I mean a LOT of pieces! You can’t tell from the picture below, but there are a lot more sheets underneath that bottom picture. Plus, this picture is missing about 4 sheets because I have already cut them out. Just look at all these rolls of felt pieces:

The only drawback to this set is that it does require that you cut the pieces out yourself, and this takes quite a bit of time. I am still cutting pieces out. Normally while I’m watching TV or a movie at night I grab a sheet of felt and work on cutting out pieces, but it is a slow process–I won’t lie.

After cutting them out, there are 2 boxes provided to store the pieces in. The boxes are numbered so that you will know where each piece is located.

This set also comes with a huge Bible storybook. The book will tell you which pieces you need to illustrate each story.  Also, we received a CD that has coloring sheets and activities to use with the stories. It’s great!

Overall, I have been really impressed with the items we were sent! They have all be high quality and I know that we are going to get hours and hours of educational fun out of them! If you’d like to purchase Betty Lukens sets, you can find them at

Jane Weaver

Thursday 16th of February 2017

I have the figures and two background scenes, but would really like the sheets with the outline of the figures and boxes to keep them in. Do you have any idea if I could somehow get these? thanks


Friday 17th of February 2017

Have you tried calling the company? They may be able to help.

Neil Aitchison

Friday 15th of July 2016

I used the Betty Lukens Bible flannel graph on a mission trip to India and it was a huge could be used in the slums where there was no power, and the bright colours made it very appealing in the dungy, dirty surroundings. I mounted the background felt on an outside wall and conducted on outreach Gospel lesson - I saw dozens of people come up to hear the Bible stories. I then donated the whole deluxe felt set to an orphanage in Cuttuck, Odisha where the Dalit children are sold into slavery - the orphanage is protecting the children from slavery and the Betty Lukens Bible flannel graph is used twice a week to conduct Bible lessons for the Dalit children. It's a wonderful resource for mission trips!....regards, Neil.

Pictures of the mission lessons are at:


Friday 22nd of July 2016

Wow, that's great to hear!