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The ULTIMATE Guide to Everything Baby

Let’s Talk Baby!

Hi! You’ve probably stumbled upon this page because you’re either pregnant or have a new baby in your life and you’re looking for a comprehensive baby guide. First off, congratulations! As a mom of seven, (plus two special miscarried babies waiting for me in heaven), I’ve had a lot of experience in the baby space. One of my favorite things to do is talk about babies!

Growing up, my mother ran an in-home daycare and then I worked in daycare myself for a few years after high school, followed by a few years of being a private nanny. All of those years were spent taking care of babies and toddlers.

Not to toot my own horn or anything, but to say I have experience with babies is an understatement. I’ve changed more diapers and burped more babies than you could count! I’m pretty much a baby expert at this point and I want to share all of my knowledge and experience with you!

Mother and baby

This is me with my fourth child (second son), Gideon. Of course, I’m partial, but isn’t he just the cutest?!

Babies are my jam!

Seriously, I love the baby phase. It can be stressful, tiring, and oh-so busy, but it is also such a wonderful time in motherhood. It’s something I cherish!

There is SO much to talk about when it comes to babies and my site has everything you’d want to read about. I’ve got product reviews for baby gear, from everything from car seats to strollers to playards, and even smaller things like bottles and diaper bags. I’ve been reviewing baby gear products for the past 13 years. I’ve also got tips on breastfeeding, cloth diapers, colic, and more.

I understand that motherhood can be tough sometimes, whether it’s your first, second, or fifth. Each new baby brings new challenges.

I hope you’ll stick around and check out all of the baby info I have to share with you and please, feel free to ask questions!