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Maxi-Cosi Pria 70 Convertible Car Seat Review

A stock image of a Maxi-Cosi Pria 70 Convertible Car Seat with text that says, "Everything you need to know about the Maxi-Cosi Pria 70 Convertible Car Seat -".

When you have a baby, there are truly only a few things you really NEED to buy when it comes to baby gear. One of those will be a car seat.

I really enjoy reviewing things for you that I know you NEED, so when I was offered the opportunity to review the Maxi Cosi Pria 70 convertible car seat (at no cost, to facilitate this review), of course I said yes!

About Maxi-Cosi

Maxi-Cosi is one of the leading brands for the best car seats in Europe. They are known for their innovative technology and superior comfort. 

At Maxi-Cosi, you’ll find a selection of strollers, car seats, and accessories for those products. I’ve been wanting to get my hands on a piece of Maxi-Cosi gear ever since I saw some of their items at my local Toys”R”Us.

Basic Info About the Maxi-Cosi Pria 70 Convertible Car Seat

The Pria 70 is designed to fit infants as small as 9 pounds (for many infants, this is birth weight) all the way up to toddlers of 40 pounds, rear-facing. (If you have a preemie or plan to use this seat from birth and tend to have smaller babies, I’d suggest checking out the Pria 70 with Tiny Fit insert, which you can use for babies as small as 4 pounds.)

When your child is old enough and big enough, you can use this seat forward facing up to 70 pounds. I plan to rear-face my children in our vehicles as long as possible (experts agree that rear-facing is the safest way for children to travel) so I love the fact that my son will probably be able to rear-face in this seat until he is 4 years old, maybe longer.

The Pria 70 convertible car seat is available in 6 colors of fabric, plus 3 additional shades in leather. I was sent this seat in “Mineral Grey,” and I’m loving the color!

It incorporates a very subtle shade of green, which is my favorite color. It’s also a gender-neutral color, so we can easily use it with either of our children.

The Maxi-Cosi Pria 70 car seat fresh out of the box with the tags still attached to it.

Initial Thoughts on the Maxi-Cosi Pria 70 – It Looks Comfortable!

Because it is the first thing I noticed about this car seat when I pulled it out of the box, it’s the first thing I want to talk to you about: COMFORT!

This seat looks and feels so soft and luxurious. I’m honestly no good with fabrics, so I have no idea what the fabric on this car seat is made from, but I can tell you that of all the car seats I have tried, this fabric is the best I’ve ever touched!

It is cushiony and even my husband commented that it was “ubber plush” when he installed it in our minivan.

We had the car seat sitting in our living room for a few days while it awaited installation (and I took some pictures), and my son Jacob (18 months) loved to go over and just sit down in it.

We are a family that likes to get out and do stuff, so at times my kids might be in their car seat for 2 hours or more. It gives me great peace of mind knowing that my son found this seat so comfortable, he wanted to sit in it.

The Pria 70 also comes with a body pillow insert, to provide extra comfort for wee little ones,  however, my youngest (18 months) is too big to need that. It was very easy to remove.

A collage of two images of the Maxi-Cosi Pria 70 side-by-side. One side shows the seat with the pillow insert and the other side has it removed. There is also text that says, "Maxi-Cosi Pria 70 with and without the body pillow insert.

Maxi-Cosi Pria 70 Convertible Car Seat Features

This car seat features a 5-point harness (with ultra-soft harness covers) that can be easily adjusted by pushing in on the harness release lever, located under the flap at the front of the car seat.

Making sure that a child has straps that are tightened properly is so important, and the Pria 70 makes it very quick and easy to do just that.

If you seem to have any issues adjusting the harness on this car seat (tightening or loosening), we found that sometimes adjusting the straps at the back of the seat, while pushing the harness release lever, helps.

One of the features I love about the restraint system is that the bottom buckle has a nicely padded buckle cover. I imagine that the cover makes riding much more comfortable for children, especially once they are older and out of diapers.

A collage of two images. The image on the left is a close up of the 5-point harness with cushioned buckle cover and shoulder pads. The image on the right shows the bottom buckle unbuckled.

Installation of the Maxi-Cosi Pria 70

The best car seat is only good if you have the correct installation. That’s why I love that Maxi-Cosi puts the installation instructions on stickers which are then placed on BOTH sides of your seat.

They also put a hidden pocket on the left side of the car seat where you can store your written instructional booklet and locking clip.

A collage that shows an image of the Maxi-Cosi Pria 70 car seat in the top left with an arrow pointing to the car seat and text under it that says, "Easy, clear instructions right on the seat." In the bottom right corner is an image of the seat cover of the Maxi-Cosi Pria 70 car seat pulled back to show the hidden pocket where the instructions and locking clip and hidden away. There is a red arrow pointing to the spot and text overlay that says, "Hidden pocket for instructions and locking clip."

When it comes time to install a car seat, generally this is a job I give mostly to my husband. I don’t have a lot of upper body strength, and we find that he is usually able to get our car seats installed tighter.

We used the LATCH system to install this car seat, but you can also install it using your car’s seat belts.

The LATCH connectors included in this car seat are easy to attach and detach. While this seat was not the easiest my husband has ever installed, it was also not the hardest.

The instructions for using LATCH are clear and easy to follow. At first we had trouble really getting the seat in tightly until we learned this little trick: recline the vehicle seat as far as it will go while you tighten the LATCH.

Close up images of the LATCH connectors on the Maxi-Cosi Pria 70 car seat with text that says, "Easy-to-Use LATCH connectors.

Once we have the LATCH as tight as it will go, then we release the seat to return to the upright position. That really locks the seat into place tightly.

We installed this car seat as a team, and I put my weight onto the seat while my husband tightened it.  After a little bit of work, we achieved a great fit with this seat that I’m very pleased with.

Before installing this seat in the car, I let my daughter try it out so you could see her fit in the seat. She will be 4 years old in March and is still small enough to rear-face in this car seat. See the photo below to see her in the seat.

Easily-Adjustable Straps

As you probably know, it is important for the straps to fall at or below the shoulders when you are rear-facing (if you are using a car seat forward facing, the straps should fall at or above the shoulders), and this seat makes adjusting the straps super easy.

To adjust the straps, you do NOT have to do any re-threading. Simply squeeze the headrest adjustment lever and move the headrest up or down to the proper height and lock it into place.

This means that both of my children can use this seat in our minivan, with just a quick, simple adjustment to the strap height.

A collage of three images. The top left image shows the handle at the top of this car seat where you squeeze and then raise or lower to adjust the harness height. There is an arrow pointing to the spot and text that says, "squeeze, then easily adjust harness height here." There are two images on the bottom that show a 4 year old girl sitting in the car seat from different angles.

Maxi-Cosi Pria 70 Has 3 Angle Options

The Pria 70 gives you 3 different car seat angle options for your child, and adjusting that angle is super easy.

You’ll find a red handle at the back of your seat. Just pull the handle until you hear a click, and then adjust the recline.

Here are the 3 positions you can use:

  • Position 1: Should be used with a child who is over 40 pounds and/or 43 inches or taller. Angle #1 can only be used when a child is forward-facing.
  • Position 2: Can be used forward facing for a child who is 22-40 pounds and/or 34-43 inches.  Per the instruction manual, angle position #2 can also be used for a rear-facing child, as long as he/she is under 40 pounds and under 40 inches, however, we found that to have this seat properly level, we had to use angle position #3.
  • Position 3: Should be used only for a rear-facing child who is between the weight of 9-40 lbs. and no taller than 40 inches.
A close up image of the red handle that is used to adjust the angle plus a close up shot of the base of the car seat that adjusts when you pull the red handle. There are two red arrows pointing to those two parts of the car seat with a text portion that says, "Pull red handle then adjust angle 1, 2, or 3".

Built-In Cupholder

As I mentioned earlier, sometimes our travels have us in the car for a little bit of time. I was so excited to see that the Maxi-Cosi Pria 70 car seat has a built-in cup holder that is very easy to wipe clean.

Maxi-Cosi truly thought of everything to make travel comfortable for little ones!

A photo of the Maxi-Cosi Pria 70 car seat with an arrow pointing to the built-in cupholder and text that says, "Built-in cup holder"

Final Thoughts on the Maxi-Cosi Pria 70 Car Seat

I think the best way to conclude this review is to tell you that Jacob was sitting in another well-known name convertible car seat before we got the Maxi-Cosi Pria 70. Now that we’ve tried this seat, his old seat has been sent to the grandparents’ house for use in their car. 

He seems far more comfortable in this seat and my husband complains less about the straps getting twisted when he’s trying to get him into the seat.

A collage of two images showing a toddler boy sitting in the Maxi-Cosi Pria 70 car seat. One image shows the seat from the front and one image is a side shot of the seat.

We love our Pria 70, and I’m happy to recommend it!

Buy It

The Maxi-Cosi Pria 70 Convertible Car Seat is no longer available for purchase. If you acquire this car seat secondhand, please be sure it has not been in any accidents and it hasn’t expired.

To learn more about the Maxi-Cosi brand, visit the Maxi-Cosi website.

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Wednesday 8th of June 2016

This was a very difficult carseat to install in our Prius. The latch is not long enough. The seatbelt won't stay locked in position. Thus the carseat tilts and if you aren't watch the seat may move out of the correct position.


Thursday 9th of June 2016

Have you tried using the seatbelt instead of the LATCH?


Tuesday 26th of May 2015

Hello!. im using these seat in forward facing. And I want to know if I can recline the seat ? For example we are going in a family trip, and the baby is slepping, i will like to recline the seat that way the head will no be hanging.. but I can't do it.. please healp me


Thursday 28th of May 2015

You should be able to recline it to stage 2. If you turn the child rear facing, you can recline it all the way to stage 3. You adjust the recline by pulling the red handle at the back of the seat, at the bottom. I hope that helps!

Lily Kwan

Saturday 29th of March 2014

This car seat looks very useful. Thanks for sharing!

tyra young

Friday 28th of March 2014

Thank you for this review. I have a grandbaby coming in September. This car seat looks cuddly, yet durable, and safe. Hope I win!

Destiny miller

Friday 28th of March 2014

I love that this has the squeeze handle for adjusting harness height! I also like how comfy it looks and great colors.